As one progresses in age, health or fitness decline. It’s natural. 

During this time, numerous transformations occur in the body as it moves towards fragility. The bones and muscles lose their strength and stamina, the kidneys and other internal organs start malfunctioning and the vigor of the skin declines.

But the fact is, health is wealth at every stage of life. And it is even more crucial during the senior years.

And though senior citizens are counseled to stay fit, many don’t. So here are a few ways you or a loved one can safeguard and improve their physical and mental health.

1. Health Insurance

This is essential for every senior citizen. Medical insurance is your greatest friend in a time of need. It can provide you and your family with financial aid during the worst times of your life.

However, it’s important to be careful when purchasing a health care policy. Choose a plan that provides the most benefits and shop around until you find a plan you’re happy with.

2. Diet and Exercise

When they reach an older age, a person should be extra careful with their diet. This is because the immunity system isn’t as strong during this time, making you more prone to all sorts of illnesses.

Your diet, therefore, should be full of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates. Bad fats should be strictly avoided as they make one susceptible to numerous diseases, including heart problems. There must be an extra intake of calcium to support the bones.

But a healthy diet is not enough. Some exercise should be a part of your daily routine during this time. Be extra cautious about moving your limbs in aggressive ways, but make sure to add some movement into your everyday life.

3. Get Regular Medical Checkups

Those who have a family history of ailments like prostate and colon cancer, the diseases that most likely hit men in fifties and above, should get regular medical checkups. They must follow their doctor’s advice by the letter.

Women are more likely to be affected by breast cancer. They also are vulnerable to other diseases due to menopause. There are some medicines that women should take after menopause in order to minimize the risk of getting ill and use prevention to their advantage.

Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia are even threatening for women. Alzheimer’s is a decline in certain cognitive brain functions and a type of dementia.

Dementia impedes an individual’s intellectual functioning and ability to work. These diseases mostly affect women in their sixties and above. These women gradually become forgetful and incompetent in doing skillful work.

As soon as some of these symptoms become apparent, a doctor should be consulted without delay. Drugs at an early stage might stop the situation from worsening.

4. Avoid stress

Stress is as harmful as any other contagious disease. But try to avoid anti-anxiety and similar medicines. Consult a psychiatrist if you think you may need help.


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