by Reynes Carlos | Senior Health & Wellness
As one progresses in age, health or fitness decline. It’s natural. During this time, numerous transformations occur in the body as it moves towards fragility. The bones and muscles lose their strength and stamina, the kidneys and other internal organs start...
by Reynes Carlos | Senior Health & Wellness
“What’s the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s?” This is a common question, and doctors can be good at confusing us. Physicians seem to prefer the word “dementia,” possibly because Alzheimer’s has become such a loaded word. “Dementia” somehow sounds less...
by Reynes Carlos | Autoimmune, Emotional Balance, Senior Health & Wellness
Stress is a normal part of modern daily life, but most people are not aware of the negative consequences of stress on their health—until it is too late. Some people are able to cope with stress better than others, while others take practical steps to reduce their...