Concussions and MTBI
Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries
Concussions (mTBI) and Traumatic Brain Injuries impact millions each year. Many of these can be life changing without the right treatment. These can occur from sports, falls, car accidents, domestic abuse, and recreational activities.
It was once believed that only 15% of individuals would have post-concussive syndrome – however a full literature review showed that over half of individuals with a single concussion will have chronic cognitive issues. In our experience of treating concussions, many patients complain of “feeling different or off” without understanding why.
Individuals and their family often attribute symptoms to stress, poor sleep, headaches, and fatigue without realizing these are the result of the concussion. Other symptoms impacting mood and memory are blamed on hormones, puberty, and aging.
Do You Have to Hit Your Head to Suffer Concussion-like Symptoms?
One of the most common myths that people hear is that you have to hit your head or lose consciousness to have a concussion. This is not true. The symptoms from a whiplash injury are nearly identical to that of a concussion. This, along with other factors, is the reason that many individuals go undiagnosed and suffer from long-term chronic fatigue, headaches, brain fog, and unexplained emotional changes.
I Don’t Have Symptoms, So I Am Okay?
Absence of symptoms does not mean brain function has not been impacted. Research shows that changes in brain function and connectivity are present even when individuals report no symptoms years later. So if you have been in an accident of any kind, please share this information with our team. Many patients have a “grin and bear it” mentality or aren’t able to recognize their symptoms. They may also be attributing them to other factors, so speak with our team if you are in fact feeling any of symptoms below.
Common Symptoms
- Headache
- Brain Fog
- Fatigue
- Emotional Changes
- Difficulty Focusing/Concentrating
- Balance
- Dizziness
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Digestive Changes
- Impaired Academic/Job Performance
There are many more symptoms that you may experience, but as you can tell it impacts one cognitively, physically, emotionally, and socially.
Post concussive syndrome (PCS) is a complex disorder with various symptoms and can be difficult to diagnose and treat. However, our Vital 5 Core Health Program allows us to provide the best path forward to recovery.

Working With Brain Plasticity
Plasticity is a term that describes the brain’s ability to learn and change. Changes can be negative or positive depending on the stimulation. This is why it is critical that the right treatment is performed and guidance is provided throughout. Our Vital 5 Core Health Program provides personalized treatment plans created specifically for the individual.
Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment
Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury treatment requires a thorough understanding of brain function and any factor that can prevent proper recovery. The brain is much like a muscle, that means it can be strengthened with the right exercise. If you wanted to get your biceps stronger you would perform curls and other exercises that target that muscle – and the brain is no different.
Treatment requires specific exercises to target the injured pathways.
In addition to providing specific brain-based stimulation, it is important to address other factors that influence brain health, specifically in these five areas:
- Nutrition
- Stress
- Immune Health
- Sleep
- Proper Oxygenation
Optimizing these five areas greatly improves recovery as well as alleviating symptoms and stopping future flare-ups. These changes can also improve overall health including boosting energy levels, improving memory, and ridding yourself of brain fog.